
Monday, January 24, 2011

HEHE. tadak cite .

Nak TERBERAK aq ... Dye nk COUPLE with my friend . Yo , BOY . yuh are so OUT OF OUR LEAGUE !

Sorry lahh , pendekk je !

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thanks . Sorry . I don't know !

Ahaha. Maw cite psl RENTAS DESA . Uhh , first time ta sakit kai time rentas desa woo. HEHE. Ain lari sampai ta b'daya lg . ! weee . aq je yg b'tenaga . At least , yg dulo ....jauh . kali ni agak pendek lahh . tp meletihkan . Hmm . Nk cite psl conversation ckit .
Time tu , kira letih lahh , lari , so , I USE WALK lahh ! Pastu ade bwk secret weapon , KIPAS TANGAN ! heee , KUNO ckit , maap lahh . And Pn Asidah Nmpakkk ! WHATTTT ?!
Conversation start here ...
Pn. Asidah : Fadzilahhhhh !
Me : Iheehee , sorry cikguu ~
Pn. Asidah : Amboii , b'lenggang ye , nk kne ?!
Me : Ta maw , ta maw .


Smlm mkn PITZA HUT . Hmm , agak sedap , bkn ! MMG SEDAPPPP ! aaahhh ~
CHOCOLATE CAKE tuu , pon sedap , wahh ! maw lg !

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hmm , yesh ! Today is a really busy day . I get a new "JOB" which it's CLASS PRESIDENT . oh my gee ~ I so busy . in 6 hours of studying , I get lost for ... 1 hour ?! I have to stayback in school for sukantara . Which means I stay in school for 10 hours !!! After 5pm . Dad and mom fetch me . and , i go to tesco to buy things and eat , ofcourse !
REACH HOME in 6:20 pm , then , take bath . AFTER THAT . here comes a trouble , HOMEWORKKKK ! you're so EVIL ! 6:50 ~ 9:30 PM , I'm doing homework , non-stop ! and I didn't eat my dinner , let's take it as a DIET !
Tomorrow is my birthday ! YAY . ? Yesh , K-ara's GOO HARA and Lee SeungGi are sharing the same birthday with me !!!! Hmm , special thing on my birthday ? I guess it's K-POP DIGI LIVE PARTEHHH ~ Can't see BEAST , 4 MINUTE AND G.NA / sad - sad /

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Weyy , class 302 bley jalan lancar tanpe kau ! Seminggu kau tadak , sape yg tlg ? AKU AND STUDENT unk ! Dtg-dtg maw bsing-bising . eh ! KELAS AQ TA SEMURAH tuu weyy ! UTK DIINGATKN . Kite bdk BANDAR not anak org asli ! And TIME AQ NK JWB bende , suro org diam , bkn BUAT-BUAT pening keplaaaaa !

Monday, January 10, 2011

Eh , oh yeah ? blah , what ?!

Where should I start from ?
Okay , today's special . I'm writing in ENGLISH cos' in case any of my friend from other country came and visit this .

Well , I told BEAST that I want them to see this blog , cos' I put their song , hope they see this :D
I want to make a wish here , I wish BEAST and Ukiss will write CHIKA on a piece of paper , and snap a picture and put it on twitpic and tag me for my birthday . ofc , I didn't put my hope up cos' i'm pretty sure they are busy . I UNDERSTAND , baby boy .

BTW , ONEW , chakiyaa ~ ILY so muchieee :)

And , I did not forget my SUPER JUNIOR oppa's . KEEP 13 . ELF'S 13ELIVE in you , our boys !

Friday, January 7, 2011

Soldier BOY

BWAHAHA , tarak keje mau baud , so cite je lahh ape yg t'lintas ehh !
Ade lahh bdk nihh , maw masok K.E. dok hostel lahh , tp time nk masuk je , MENANGIS . ohh , kesian ! So , ta jd masuk dhh .
Harris ta tw lg masuk mne , nnt lahh aq tanye , ta jmpe smlm.

wee , maw citer psl skola .
Hmm , baru 1st week start skola dh kne denda. APAKN DAYA ? Ta bwk bku , redha je la ! 50 kali up and down kot , haih , sakit lg skunk nihh , minggu depan maw latihan sukan , nk larii camne ? sume ceku kreng-kreng nye psl lahh !
Pasal JAWATAN nihh , ta sure lg lahh, cos' NAMALAHIHI . ta dtg-dtg , dgr cite .. dye gaduhh . wohh ? biarrkkk BTOII ? PELIK dgn owg dewasa nihh , nk mgajar owg suro JGN GADO , ta dak diskriminasi ! TP DIORANG dok buad perangai cam 2 , kite ikot je lahh kn ?
Penolong Ketua Kelas " ceku kte susa , tp harung je la "
Pengerusi LAMAN WEB " heh , ni sbb aq ckp bnyk , bab 2 undi tinggi ! "

ALOMAK . maw mkn , laparr , blahh dulo weyy !