Thursday, December 30, 2010
Semuanya LEMBAB !
Adelahh minah ni kn aq panggil dye kakak , sebijik pon ta , dok mcm kakak , balek umah dok bising nih tu , nihh tu .. TA SESUAI KAN ? Mmg ta sesuai , mcm SIAL pon ade ! Bkn ape , tp kalu nk sengaja nk kena kn aq depan summe owg , tgk lahh conditionn , dh 2 mak aq pulakk , boleh plakk buat ta lyn , ta kesah ! APE NI ! Sebab ta de tempat nk luahkn masalah serabut tong sampah mcm ni , t'pakse lahh , cri blog k'sygan yg ta pena bising walaupon aq dh overload ! Hmm , korang mesti tanye ape aq nk buat kt MINAH SIAL tu . Aq akan buat dye merana , RAHSIA dye , aq bongkar , biar PADAN MUKA , setimpal HUKUMAN ! DH lahh , setakat ini sahaja sampai ari ni ! . BYE , BYE .
Sunday, December 26, 2010
In most of the places , there's 3 place that I'LL NEVER GO !
YEAH. When my mom ask , go for tution ?
I ANSWER , Na-ah !
Saturday, December 25, 2010
FAR - what ? - I'm JUMBLED - JUMBO's
Sorry for that crazy title , but , I really have a lot of things to tell ! well , I guess everybody is in CHRISTMAS mood lah ? GREAT-
Long time didn't tweet YUNGYOON ~ I get some new kissme friend , THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC ! Shin DongHo is best , but , everything is just so FAKE !
A'ah , today I go to 5 weddings , gonna go fat very the soon lah !
Hmm , he's gone !
LISTEN to GTOP , > Baby Good Night <>
It's so jumble right ? YAY US ! I feel that too babe !
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Okay , I missed it already !
Well , already for weeks I didn't update this bloggie ~ MISSING me ?
Is there poser for Shin DongHo ? IDK , let's wait UKISS make an announcement .
Ofc, I can't belive my my friend BEN is a artist ! a korean one ~
Hmm, snap some unwanted pixx , ah ~ I'm crazy ~ !
I'll miss him , bye kiddo's , I'll miss you ! I guess I won't be meeting him anymoree ~ I snap some pic , all are not beautiful at all ! hmph.
LALALALA . Let's end this , let's move to CHIKA'S FANTASY !
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
ha.LARI laa , LARIIII ~ !
I'm not talking behind you back , but , i already told you , why you must be a human that can't even I trust ? This shows you're running away , my DEAR friend ! - Oh , yeah , you're trying to make this all my fault for bring up the date , then , you told everyone i arrange this - heyy ! don't be such a BITCH . MY FRIENDS , I hope you understand how much credits I spend for only you girls and not even one of you replied me ? Yeah , I'm really thinking you're a real BITCH ! Then , you keep avoiding me , just tell me if you don't want to do it ! - HOW SHAMEFUL - and , I'm DISSAPOINTED of you girls , why , cos' you just keep running awayy , and run ,run , run . RUN DEVIL RUN RUN DEVIL RUN RUN !
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Reason on why I don't believe in L O V E
I f you ever asked me , why ? These will be my answer :
a) My family
b) I'm heartboken
c) There's no different at all between family , love and friendship !
- I won't receive any further question on these topic -
Wanna talk bout' guys ?
My Ideal Guy - ONEW -
That guy :
- must be taller than me
- Have a cute smile
- Knows how to do his aegyo
- talkative ( at least , we got something to talk )
- not an ego
- funny
- soft hair ( i really need these )
- Out going
- NON - Jealous type .
THE GUY at least must have 4 or 5 of these , to be my guy !
Yeah, I open about relationship this time . DON'T BE SURPRISE !
Tah Pompuan , tah laky ?
Setelah b'hari lmenye aq ta update blog , at last , ade jugak bnde yg menyakitkn ati for update !
Time aq tgh syok ONLINE and WATCH DRAMA , ade sorang minah ni ( sbnrnye aq ta tw dye laky ke pompuan , sbb gmbr dye letak pompuan , panggil dye minah je la , senang ! ) nk chat ngan aq , usually aq mmg ta lyn lah chit-chat ni , tp sbb dye pompuan aq pon , okay je la. Chat-chat , dye dh start acting cam SIAL ! Aq pon saba je la. Pastu nk comment status , kte aq KELAM lah , ni la tu la. ! Aish , sila pergi ke link ni and kite same2 ban dye OKAY ? , ha , jgn add dye !
SAMPAI CNI JE LA cite aq utk ari ni ~
Saturday, December 4, 2010
CIAL . ish . KAU laa !
BODOH . aq ta kesah laa unk nk buat ape kn ! tp , b'pade-pade laa. Dh besa ta reti HALAL and HARAM ke . LAKY ingat nk peluk2 gitu jE ? memalukn ! ish . MALU laa. Aq harap someday Anybody tangkap unk laa. KALU T'TANGKAP , aq sure maluu , tp ta pe , NOT MY PROBLEM yeah ! sial LAKY 2 laa ., dea yg bwk ! eh , kalu bley aq ta nk knl unk , owkeyy ? DH pegi -pegi , main sama SETAN2 ! DAMN FREAK I REALLY HATE YOU , INCLUDE PEOPLE THATS BE WITH YOU , SHIT ~ !
Thursday, December 2, 2010
My Jumble Story
yeah .I've a lot of things to write cos' i didn't write for days . miss you BLOG .
that KID I've hated , damn I'm APPROVED ?
I was talkin' to my moms clerk , something bout' Facebook lah ~ Then , suddenly , a 9 y/o kid say " I have Facebook too , ADD ME ! " - shock - shock -
In his class , he keep askin' his friends wheather they have one a not .
I COULD NOT believe it ! cos' 3 of them have a FACEBOOK account . HUH ?
K-POP : Most of the SMENT artist will do comeback next year , I hope the comeback will be 13 of JANUARY , ASKIN' WHY ? cos' 13 of January is my birthday , so , it's would be such a complete . ( for BEHIND THE SCENE , please do IM me on Facebook , ofc , i won't reply , type there , BEHIND THE SCENE FOR BLOG , then , i'll reply ) Even , big bang and 2NE1 is going to make a comeback next year , ah~ UKISS too.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Unbearable PAIN !
yeah. I trying to throw away my feelings. Well , that's the way it should be . Who tell me not to believe in LOVE ? Bad me . I could never bring back my past , and REPEAT it again , cos' it hurt a lot . 3 . IT'S BREAKING . ~ ! Let's not care bout' my feeling .
played BADMINTON for 2 hours non-stop . with a standard 4 student . YEAH , awesome . I win . wanna know the secret ? while i was playing , i reminded myself , if you win this , you'll get rm1000 for reward , although it's was not true . YEAH , STILL , I WON !
Today's Story
WOKE up early , online , yeah , i online at least 12 hours a day , which make me go dizzy . and all . Then , havin' butt pain ,hand pain , and dizzy . RUNNY NOSE . aggh . FOR SHORT , pain for today . HARD WORK antibodies ~
LOSER . that's you .
HAHA. still in the same term . I HATE YOU . oh ~ no ! WE HATE YOU ! ngee ~ you've another profile and show your bra's . EWW. I'll post in the internet for sure . and , let those suckers edit your photo. AREN'T YOU ASHAMED ??? I'm ashamed , for you . I guess your daddy didn't know yet huh ? Kindarin-neyo . I'll tell . I was suppose to put up your pic . but , i didn't want people to say " tak senonoh " cps' keeping NO GOOD photo . SO , i won't .
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Today there was a kid ( 5 y/o ) , he came so my mom ask him , where did he school at , then , he shakes his mom hand , " Mak , Nabil skola mne ? " , so his mom answered " KEMAS " , then , my mom ask " Umur bpe ? " , he asks his mom again " Mak , Nabil bpe taun ? " . I LAUGH so hard . then , he start to say he sing a song at school . i Ask , what song ? He answered : " CHARHIR " which means he wanted to say " SHAHIR " .
Oh My Korea ~ !
HAHA , I found out that NKOREA and SKOREA bomb each other . It happen on 2.30pm but i knew this news on 3.30 ~ I was worry bout' my friend in SOUTH KOREA , YungYoon . This happen in YEONPYEONG island , but it's near to DAEJEON ( where my friend stay there ) . but she's safe . PHEWWW ~
Friday, November 19, 2010
KRY babe's . THAT'S US !
It's the last day of my school for FORM 2 todayy . YAY ! I'm free ~ ! There were some teacher that was going to transfer to other school ~'s far-far away ! I said SORRY and THANKS to them . THEN , I CRY . SOME of my friends followed me , THEY CRY too ~ ! Then , we are havin normal class party . EAT ! EAT ! EAT ! I did bring my cellphone . SNAP ! SNAP ! SNAP ! i snap some pics . Gonna upload them to FACEBOOK soon ~ !
Thursday, November 18, 2010
CHIKA HAHA kembali lagiiii ~
Oh tidakkk . Abis suda AIDILADHA sambung KUTOK-KUTOK orang . HAHA.. Baruu balik syopping , beli SNACK for esok . AIN , ta yah risau ,aq ade beli tanpe telor tanpe ayam. BOLEH DIMAKAN !
Ade budakk FORM 1 ni , dh laa muke ta cantek ( TA dinafikn , muke CHIKA HAHA , pon ta cantek ! ) , SHOW OFF , SYOK SENDIRI , HELLO , Junior , DON'T BE LIKE THAT OKAYYY ! Siap tulis kt Status Facebook , kte ade owg kacau dye . EWWW ! masok pertandingan MENYANYI , tah nyayi lagu ape , dok EH-EH-AH-AH jee.
Dgn ini , secara rasmi , aq menutup blog kutok-kutok untuk ari ni .
BTW , bdk kampong , I M i s s Y o u , s u p e r MUCHIEEEE.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! BALEK kampung . !
HAHA. Hari ni RAYE so ta de MOOD nk KUTOK-Kutok cam biase . Nk citer pasal KAMPUNG laa. HEHE.
1 ) BABY , haha , baby MAKSU mmg CUTE , like me , ACTIVE , like me ! HAHA. Name baby ni DANISH , name dye panjang and susah nk hafal , so , panggil DANISH je laa.

Dalam aq tgh dukung BABY ni kt luar umah TUK Ngah . Datang laa , sowang bdk ni , bwk daging korban . HA.HA. muke agak ENSEM ! ta dinafikn , mmg ENSEM laa. So , skunk nk tunjuk , tempat aq jumpe dye !
HA,HA, ni la tmpt nye . kpd sesiape yg tw or KENAL bdk tw , suro Dye cri aq sampai DAPAT yee !
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

NI laa gambar2 "rupawan" yg tlh aq edit dgn SECANTIK yg mungkin ! CANTEKkn ? HARAP DIORANG SKE LAA ! HA.HA. SHOW OFF . BERLAGAK . dh laa bdk baruu . nk tunjuk . ta payah le . DH 2 BODOH PLAK. adoii. Bkn saje aq nk ngutok2 diorang ni . Tapi , dh ta bley sabar dh ngan sikap diorang yg ta sedar dirik 2. ISH ! - Aq arap korang ubah perangai yaww ! - supaya , aq nk kwn ngan korang ! -
HA.HA. dah SIAP .
Ari ni mcj ngan SARDIN . Sardin 2 skola mne ,umo bape , tinggal mne , AQ TA TW LAA. Cos' pinjam enset ALONG , mcj . HAHA. ta LAWAK langsung ! OKAYY , laa , skunk BUDAK aq benci se-sgt 2 tgh ONLINE . SO , ta nk laa , kutok-kutok dye skunk . NNT - NNT LAA . SABOR ! EH.hello. I .don' OKAYY ? sape nk WINDU kt unk , ,, HEYY . I can LIVE WITHOUT YOU ! OH ~ NO . HILANG kawan cam ni , ta de owg nk kesah . BACK STABBING . ta sangka , tajuk lagu KOREA , pon bley gune ENGLISH QUIZ . HA.HA. gune WORD - HEARTBREAKER , yooo. A'ha . LOONEY . LARI , dari BILIK KAYU sampai BILIK PERDAGANGAN , hang out 2 JAM ,wooo ! LOL , cekgu BUZY masak RENDANG , KETUPAT , AND seangkatan ngan makanan2 ni . so , LARI , ha , run baby run ! SUDAA laa. STOP di'c'ni dulo . NNT kalu ade MOOD sambung lg YAWW !
Monday, November 15, 2010
OINK. Hey , YOU !
HELLO . I'm back . WELL , still talking BAD . ad , it'll never CHANGE ! Okayy . I love my BESTIEE ! TODAY's topic : SISTER : NO TRUTH BOUT THEM ! BELIEVE me . THEY DO CHEAT , and never go STRAIGHT FORWARD ! that's why i hate em ` THEY HAVE STUPID EX'S . and , they turn into STUPID ! H0.h0.I'm evil . ACTUALLY , not really ~ YAY ME . I've no FAIL in my studies . WELL , I hope I didn't move to any worst class ! XD LET'S HOPE !
Sunday, November 14, 2010
OKAYY . I'm ma talk BAD bout' ya! HELLO . You fight , you get back . DAMN ! what is this ? FREAKING , I'm going crazy . STORY starts NOW !
There's a girl where ME and my friends HATES A LOT ! who is she ? FIND her . on . YOUR OWN !
ACTUALLY there were a lot of girls we hate . BUT , there 2 ,that we can't even take our EYE over.
1 . SNFI
2 . WDNH
THAT's their name . GOT IT ?
FEELING so NOT okayy with them . STEALING people's BOYFRIEND . BACK stabbing . Show offers . and COPYing people STATUS and wrote em' in their blog . It's my copyright afterall ! HELLO , what is this , boohoo ?
Ugh , PISSED . LOL , this cheaters . should I say TRAITOR ?
okayy . Maybe i'll continue tomorrow . WEEEEE ~ Bye !
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The boiis are BACK !
XD Finally , the boys that i've waited for such a long time ,came ! muahaha ~ tomorrow i'll start having exam . wish ME LUCK ! Well , i didn't touch any single book ~ got to read it !! DUsh `DUsh ` No good if i fail . TUTION next year is for sure ~ arrghhh . TOTAL DAMN it !
Saturday, September 25, 2010
I'm currently so Busy . Which I need to a wedds . and Prepare for School Things. Buy some Present. I'll be going out later .I'm Having an Headache.Oh_boo`hoo.By The Way , I goin to mmet the kids Next Month On WARds . Ahhh~I'm so Happy . Da~Da~ I'll be back on 2pm.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sales ~
Hey! I'm back ~ i'm going to do some promo nao ! Who was interested in buying Super Junior Tee . It's For Super Show 3..but Onli 4 Malaysian.Tee cost RM25- RM 30. For Super Show 3 towel, it'll cost RM30-RM35. (i'm juz helping sum1 to do this TEE and TOWEL promo ) Nex ,i'm going to promo sum "BLING-BLING" product..Which i'll do a small buisness later. i'll sell it in a really reasonable price.Hope u will interested. Thanks for ur Support .
BTW : KPop Merchandise. ( i'm juz promoting!)
Support K-Pop 4 ever !
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
I D0n't Care...
I was planning to out wif My frens afta Raya..a...Truely more ppl...Is the greater....MOnday i 'll hav some free tam2...i'll share i want to...ha..ha...It's ok..i'll b not meeting him 4 3 month...oh NO !!! Truely ..mIZZ hiM..LOlzzz....Grhh!! Ramli Srip voice were so our clazz bb'coz our claz de ppl Gt sorethroat..WoHoo!!!! hUMAN sickNEss...Duh!! KuMaOO Chingu! 4 giving me this type of sickness !!!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
i'm haVin An HeadAche....
+Korean Drama+Homework+Taiwan Drama+DownLoad Song+Help-ing Fren Sign In+A lot more!!!!!! Argh!!! help...hey!!i wanna say I'm Sorry Bcz I dIN'T WROTE MY bLOG 4 dayz n daYZ..Hope U won't b Mizzing me ...He..he...2day my fren fainted (OMG!)..i Did go visit her wen Every subject ends...And i talk even she din reply(cz she's sleeping) HAizz..Nvm..Feena.Keep Healthy!!!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Sorry-Sorry Answer..
Lot and lot of day i din't update my blog...i'm so sorry...2day i get my results..Hmm..quite good n not so bad.(ss-ing) least my mom don't complain..pheww..n my teacher don't complain alot too...waw!!!!!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Happy Cupcakes
i want his Phone number..warh !!!! ..(i'm desperate 4 it ! ) me 2 get for it...Hmph.........................i hate euu..................WOOZZ..hope tat xiao po din cum 2 skul nex week......zzz..sleep ...adi ..wen she lec...
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Look like she din even sick..Duh!!! just send message 2 shuen...2 morow onli will receive....2 get a lot of junk food..n i ate alot....I seem 2 be i'm get hevier day by day( haru-haru ) hehex..can't complain..Yoogeun is total cute..golbae...HonEY @@
Monday, June 28, 2010
Well as RePoRTED.....tABLE ARE dRAW...wat !!!???todAy i saw i of my Fren AT pEtrol Station...Dunn ,lAugh,,,,wei!!!,,,i din call him..(of course ,my old fren) he din recond me at alll...........truly!!!!today xiao po gt come in so reli annoying...haizzz..wat to or dun like i must face it.....i hope she get sick !!!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
At Last
Whoa!! A last my Geo de fOlio dOne adi..(hEpy heART !) Few Day Back it was Ryeowook , Jeong Yong Hwa n Lee Min Ho de bufday ....But so sad can't reli wish F2F....Ain AlmoSt fainted When she Heard JyH and SeoHyun is ENgaged...Hehexxx....sOmetimes .. i wish i was reli 1 of the koreans....but go KOREA !!!! VICtory KOREA !!! i LOVE korea n Malaysia !!!!Suju ...SHINee...when i'm going 2 see u again..(hmph...)
Friday, June 25, 2010
today all aren't a bad day but also a good 60 mark..(it's a relief 4 me)havIng a small family in class..i'm the smallest sis...warh!!!hepy(i did jump !)
Maknae Chika..hehex...
Maknae Chika..hehex...
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